It's stuffy in the tight hotel suite. Lights, camera settings, people, and carbon everywhere. The atmosphere becomes automatically a little sleepy, but the energy in the room changed in a second when an infectious laughter fades from the doorway.
A well-dressed, moderately tanned man with draw sharper than pirayatänder step into the room. He sits in the chair in front of the camera and say things that are funny just because it is he who says them. Then he poses a question before he spans a pitch-black eyes in the lens.
- Give me a feeling! Should I be angry?
I've never been to a recording of a George Clooney-roll but I guess the filming of a head and shoulders commercials with Henrik Lundqvist is as close as you can get.
Henrik Lundqvist is one of the world's best goalkeepers and has just sajnat a sjuårskontrakt worth approximately SEK 385 million. But season ended very heavy. After the final defeat against Canada in the Olympics, he got another title shot when Rangers took it all the way to the Stanley Cup final. But Los Angeles was simply too good.
- As soon as we went out, I felt I detached to go home. Of course, the loss was in the finals heavy and a big disappointment. But at the same time I'm very pleased our performance as a team. I believe that you will always think back on some pieces, some were good and some that were not so good.
That one might not recognize, but have you thought "damn, this was perhaps my door?"
- Of course the idea can hit one. It took me nine years to reach the first final. It's one thing if you are up to individual sports where it is up to you, now it's so incredibly much to sue on the road.
Can you imagine doing a Ray Bourque and finish in another team to win the Stanley Cup?
- I have incredibly hard to see. Since it is so much that happens every season, how people perceive one. One has a feeling now, but it goes bad half a year so some voices directly. The patience is very short, particularly in New York. I have always said that my biggest dream is to win, but also to win in New York. It is difficult to predict. But, um, I want to be a New Yorker. Do I get the chance to play these seven years, so I do.
We meet Henrik Lundqvist connection with a commercial recording. He acts like a pro in all positions, except perhaps when the makeup starts eating his eye and he gets rescued with eye drops.
But there is no doubt that he likes the mission - and can think of to get involved with something like that for his career.
- Take this movie we're recording now, I sat this afternoon and sketched on it and worked on Calle Schulman (director). We take ideas back and forth. It's fun to do something other than hockey in the summer.
It is this that is closest to becoming career after hockey, despite band and restaurant.
- Master chef, we can take away because I can not cook, haha. Music I'm too bad at, but it's fun. When it comes to media bit is the creative piece that is interesting. Sure, sitting in front of the camera and acting is fun but it's the same with radio and television, you may use a mind that is creative. You need to focus on something but it's not nearly the same focus as on the ice. A bit more fun. But I will not lock me in the media, it can be fashionable too.
Henrik Lundqvist is a star in the world's coolest city, have recently started a family, the (giant) rich and a style icon. For another, it may seem like he has it all, so the question is natural:
If you can not say the Stanley Cup, you dream about something now?
- Hm ... I do not dream much longer. Much about hockey and the challenges I have ahead of me. But if it is not hockey related so it will be well more and more thoughts on Charlise (daughter, two years old) and family, how it will be. Though there are more tanks than dreams.
You still live in New York when you add to it?
- I do not know. It's tricky. The backing is friends and family, it's so fun to come home to all friends with their children. But just in terms of life we thrive very well in New York. Then it's not just dashing about when the kids get older either, you get to listen to them. But you can see that most people who play over here moving back home to finish.
Your daughter will grow up as Americans and not Swedish, how does it feel?
- You think a lot about it, it will be interesting to see. Self is man growing up in Åre and Bastad, she may grow up in New York. It's like night and day, you do not know how it will be. Though she has the summers here and you've just spent July and August here so you think well that Sweden is among the best there is, haha.
When you are in Sweden so rarely, you'll notice a difference on the land between the time you are home?
- No, but you realize how different the U.S. and Sweden. Not to be political, but it is a different mindset because in Sweden, how to grow up. Such a thing as putting children in school and kindergarten, there is a great difference. It is planned extremely much there, you might be thinking that we would like our children to go at it the college and then they go to high school there and pre school there. Even at three-four years of age there is a plan. Here, go to the nearest nursery and the nearest school.
What is best?
- I think there are advantages to both but it feels easier with the Swedish style. Then I think with the style over there, I can as been competitive person since I was little spurred more. Here it is a little wider, which is slightly more tip.
I asked Henry what he thinks Americans should emulate Swedes and vice versa. He scratches his one good moment in it (faktiskt!) any day for oansade beard.
- I can feel that the Swedes is it that you say something you stand for it. You can trust a Swedish one hundred percent at all times. With Americans, it is the Swedes would have more of is that they believe in themselves. This having to blend in with a group is good sometimes but you have to be able to stand on in order to reach really far.

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