Μatthew Stathopoulos @m_stathnyr
@BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 Hankie, what's your favorite thing to do on off days in the big apple? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@m_stathnyr I like to hang out with friends and family and go out for a nice dinner. -HL
Shay Oslo @ShayOslo
What's your go-to pre-game meal? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@ShayOslo Spaghetti and meat sauce. -HL
Bob Chipeska @HockeyBurger
@BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 Hey Hank, what was your favorite moment from the Cup run? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@HockeyBurger Winning at home against Montreal in the Conference Final in Game 6 & advancing to the Stanley Cup in front of the home fans.
Warren Butler @warrenbbutler
@BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 #KingsCourt Any advice for a young goalie learning how to defend the breakaway?
Bauer Hockey
@warrenbbutler Breakaways are all about patience and timing. Let the player make the first move. -HL
Ella @elthornx
What does your number mean to you? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
35 was retired and 30 is what they gave me 9 years ago and I went with it.
Bauer Hockey
Depends on my mood, but Foo Fighters is always a good choice. MT @kevthomusic: What are your favorite tunes to play on guitar?
Bauer Hockey
"Dream big" from my Dad. -HL RT @mgutierrez_2666: @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 what's the best advice anyone's ever given you? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey @BauerHockey
Christian Bale -HL RT @mykey514: @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 #KingsCourt which actor would you want playing you in a movie?
Dave Lindsay @D__Lindz
What would you see yourself doing as a career if you were not a professional ice hockey player? @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@D__Lindz I would probably be playing for the Foo Fighters, I wish. -HL
Lori Ossinger @LoriOssinger
@BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 What is your favorite song to listen to when getting ready for a big game? Jackson age 8 #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@LoriOssinger Don't really have a favorite song, but I always listen to punk rock. -HL
Your Scouts Favorite @MattReyes18
Whats a dream vacation for you? @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@MattReyes18 Going back to Sweden to see family and friends is always the perfect vacation for me. -HL
Bauer Hockey @BauerHockey
Wayne Gretzky -HL MT @Schneids_30: @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 If you could face any player who would it be? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey @BauerHockey
I always wanted to fly, so Superman. RT @SQuarants: Batman, Spider-Man or Superman? @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey @BauerHockey
Really enjoy Dexter and Suits. Now I'm watching Breaking Bad. RT @zuccajello: @BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 What's your favorite TV Show?
steven @_kreider
@BauerHockey who on the NYR scores the most in practice? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@_kreider Not too sure, but Anton Stralman was really good on breakaways. -HL
Casquet barretcopter @KGYIH
@BauerHockey @HLundqvist30 Is there any difference between NHL and Swedish league? #KingsCourt
Bauer Hockey
@KGYIH There is more time to recover on rebounds and second chances on the big ice. Players also get more time to shoot on big ice. -HL

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