Henrik Lundqvist - style icon and hockey legend
The Swedish industrial holiday is coming to an end. In Gothenburg, streets, squares and crowded trams still glass-eating and shopping hub of tourists and families with children on their way to Liseberg. A few kilometers to the west, in the neighborhood Rock next Älvsborgsbron, is a completely different activity. One of the world's best and guaranteed best dressed hockey goalies photographed in autumn news Stayhard. We had a chat with Henrik Lundqvist between costume changes, poses and takklättringar.
HENRIK FEELS harmonious. He has been in Sweden since the season ended in May, tan and holiday stump sits where it should be and he is both relaxed and humble, despite the relatively tight schedule. That he is accustomed to stand in front of the camera and have an eye on what he does is evident. The pictures snapped at a furious pace without much opposition from the photographer.
- For me it is extremely important to get a change of scenery for the season. To have more time for family, able to relax and rejuvenate and gather inspiration and strength for the coming season. Gothenburg has been my base during the past 18 years, and with that I have a country house in Onsala, it feels a bit like coming home.
HENKE TURNED 34 in the spring and will soon begin his eleventh season in the New York Rangers. He has five years left on the contract and has not begun to think of something ending to his career.
- I'm very happy in New York, both on and off the rink. I also noticed that today I appreciate the other things I used to take a lot easier, such as being part of a well-run and professional organization. In the past, I put much more focus on myself, but as I got older and started a family so priorities have changed and I see things that are more important.
So no any plans on what will happen after hockey career, he has not.
- It is here and now in force. The spark is the same as before and the goal is still to deliver, get to be injury-free and be happy with what I'm doing. In this industry it is very difficult to know what will happen, so my focus is always one year at a time and continue to evolve. Dream is of course to win the Stanley Cup with the Rangers.
There are still things to improve
- Yes absolutely. Today's goalkeepers are getting better so it is incredibly important to always put the pressure on yourself and not get comfortable. I put up the training in the same way today as before, grinds to detail and improve the technology. There are always little things to fine tune.
He comes in on how growing up in a sports mad family up in Jämtland Åre shaped both him and his siblings. Sister Gabriella played tennis and 40 minutes younger twin brother Joel was a teammate on the ice.
- There was a lot of sports in general and we competed in everything, all the time. It was incredibly motivating to always have someone to measure themselves against and they also got a huge amount jacking and help each other.
- It is enough to be locked for a long time. We really go all-in from September to June, depending on the stage of the playoffs will be. That is an extremely compressed schedule in which it is never given the opportunity to take some vacation or ill. Now that I have two young daughters, it is obviously even more difficult to lie out on away tours and able to be present. So being able to have more free time with the family is well that I appreciate the most.
Although he was named one of the world's best-dressed athletes in prestigious journals like Sports Illustrated, Vanity Fair, and Forbes as he claims himself that he is far from a fashion expert who slavishly follow trends. So any style guru teammates come for advice, he is not.
- Haha no. I know what I like but have no idea about what works for others. However, it happens that I discuss clothing and fashion with some of teammates who are a little more interested. It is always fun and inspiring.
He tells of the first seasons in North America, where the contrast between conservative Americans and Canadians and more fashion-conscious Europeans were bigger than today.
- Hockey's a fairly traditional sports, and the sooner the players were well cast in much the same form. So it's clear that you had some taunts when the Europeans came in, not dressed according to the template. But it has happened extremely a lot since then and today, the boundaries become blurred more and more. More people have become aware and broader views in clothes and fashion, so the level has definitely been raised.
WHICH of the team with the greatest and smallest code?
- It is very diverse and it is difficult to say if there are any that stand out to one or the other. Then there are quite a high turnover of players over there, with many coming and going. What we can say, however, that people are more fashion conscious now and inspiration outside the hockey world.
He says that he never had any particular fashion model, but that David Beckham was an eye-opener during high school years.
- It is clear that in that age was inspired by him, both in clothes and hairstyles. He set the bar for what was at the time and influenced a whole generation. Then you might not always be so proud when you look at pictures of yourself from that time, but the stuff belongs to. In his late teens, they tested the forward and did some fashion miss before you finally found the one that felt good.
Later ended up focusing instead on a well-known British agent. Bond movies are stylish placement of clothing, technical gadgets and cars fascinated and Henrik was attracted by the stylish and classic aesthetics. It is also very stylish timeless costumes often seen keeper giant.
- I'm very good in a suit and wearing it probably 4-5 days a week during the season. Otherwise, I have well no direct favorite pieces but varies quite healthy. I love clothes and use what I like that fits well. Often you can have an idea of the garment when it hangs on the gallows and a totally different once you try it, both positively and negatively.
- No idea actually. We have just moved so much is still nedpackat, but it's probably a pretty solid collection. I'm generally pretty bad at throw away clothes that I like and usually always update and fill in with a bunch of new ones every year.
Living in the metropolis of New York also allows the possibility of inspiration is huge. He also appreciates that acceptance is higher and it is difficult, if not impossible, to stand out.
- That's what I love about New York. Whoever you are and how you dress, you will blend in. Even the most absurd outfit becomes entirely normal and fit in a nice way.
Although he varies as there are several Swedish brand among the personal favorites.
- I think you unwittingly become a little more patriotic Swedish when you live abroad, there I was, anyway. Sweden has many extremely talented designers.
As a successful and stylish model is missing, of course, not bids from companies that want to be seen with him. But he chooses his assignments with care.
- For me it is important that first of all feels right. I never say yes to anything just for the money, it's not something I think is fun or can stand. You know pretty quickly if there is an interest or not.
Some, however, who managed to capture his interest was the Gothenburg-based Bread & Boxers, a clothing brand launched in 2009 by Alexander Palmgren and Henrik Lindahl.
- It all started well for about 10 years ago when I got to know Alex and Henrik in Gothenburg. Since then we have been running at each other a little look that closely over the years, and they have told us about the concept and the idea behind the brand. I liked their drive and the concept of simple and beautiful garments that can be combined with most of the time, so for 2.5 years ago we decided to start a collaboration where I became a partner. The idea is that during the first years to help with marketing part for later more go into delägarrollen.
He says that so early is much to see and learn, understand the industry and help it he can. But cooperation also concerns that he may be involved and influence and make decisions within the company.
- For me it is important to get a long-term partnership with a clear plan. The foundation of the brand was already there, so now it will be fun to see how we can develop it and take it to the next level. Alex and Henry are so easy to work with and that we can also have fun when we meet is an important prerequisite.
Photographer cries Henke and hurries off for sheet Association last one - on top of a förrådstak. After a little climbing and helping hands of assistants and stylists is cameraman and NHL goalie in place of scratches handle the final image. A few minutes later everything is nailed, Henry bows out and hurry on.
Before he goes, we have time flika a question about his thoughts for the upcoming World Cup and the new elements of the tournament.
- It will be very exciting with a tournament where all the stars are with. It really is the best meet, which is very fun. NHL organization has been pushing to get to the tournament, and I think it will benefit hockey in general and the NHL league. A fun new feature is that in addition to the six major nations also become a Europalag and a North American U23 team. It will be interesting to see how they do with the national anthems of the law, concludes Henrik with a twinkle in his eye.
Name: Henrik Lundqvist
Nickname: "Henke", "Lunkan," "Hank" and "The King".
Born: March 2, 1982 in Åre.
Family: Wife Therese and his daughters Charlise and Juli.
Hidden talent: Playing the guitar ( "not as often as I would like") and performed in 2013 Guns' n 'Roses' "Sweet Child of Mine" on Jimmy Fallon Show (search "Henrik Lundqvist @ Jimmy Fallon" on Youtube).
In the garage: Two Porsches, a Bentley and a Range Rover.
Merits in brief:
1 st Olympic gold (Turin 2006)
1 st Olympic silver (Sochi 2014)
2 silver medals (2003 & 2004)
2 championships with Frolunda (2003 & 2005)
Vezina Trophy 2012 (the NHL's best goalie)
Most wins and shutouts of a New York Rangers goalie.
Who is the best at soccer? - It's probably 50/50.
Who has the greatest track of fashion? - I have a greater interest.
Who has the best looking car? - I!
Who was the biggest Casanova in school? - We were probably pretty low key both.
Who is most vain? - Joel would say that I'm there, but I think it's him.
Who is the worst loser? - Ha ha, it's Joel.

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