25 years ago, they began playing hockey together.
Now the medal-laden 34-year-old twins Henrik and Joel Lundqvist veterans and culture bearer in his club were on either side of the Atlantic.
Summer is the time when they have the chance to socialize.
- We seen only in the summer, it comes to making the most of the time, says NHL goalie.
- We want to get together even more than we do, but summer is fast, says Frölunda captain.
Joel Lundqvist
Age: 34 years.
Position: Center.
Height: 184 cm.
Weight: 92 kg.
Clubs: Järpen, Rogle, Mölndal, Frölunda, Dallas Stars, Iowa Stars.
Answers season 2015/16:
Regular season: 38 points (19 + 19) in 45 games. Playoffs: 8 points (2 + 6) in 14 games. Swedish champion with Frölunda.
Age: 34 years.
Position: Goalkeeper.
Height: 185 cm.
Weight: 85 kg.
Clubs: Järpen, Mölndal, Frölunda, the New York Rangers.
Answers season 2015/16:
Regular season: 92 in save percentage, average 2.48 goals per game in 65 games. Playoffs: 87 in save percentage, average 4.39 goals per game in five games. The ruling in round of the Pittsburgh Penguins.
April 24, nearly two weeks ago.
Captain Joel Lundqvist chased on his team-mates in the sixth Championship final against Skellefteå.
At home in the apartment in New York tried Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist super stream the game via any site on his computer.
- But I did not manage to get into the game on the computer. Got to listen to the radio instead, he says.
Frolunda went to 3-0, secured the gold after 5-3 and Joel Lundqvist had to lift the trophy.
While Henrik cheered in New York.
Last Frölunda took national championships, in 2005, the twins were fighting together. Just as with gold in 2003.
The game clock had barely ticking finished in Skelleftea before Henrik pushed forward twin brother's number on the phone.
- I was extremely happy, I wanted to talk to Joel as soon as possible. And we made contact, although it was quite difficult in all the commotion. I wanted to congratulate Joel directly. I know how he and the others in the team toiled, know what gold means for Joel, Frolunda, supporters and Gothenburg. But at the same time, I had mixed feelings, says Henrik.
The day before his own season ended the aspiring champions Pittsburgh. When Frolunda played his gold match in Skelleftea, Henrik was left in the disappointment he felt eleven times in North America as it has so far not been any Stanley Cup dent.
- But just when Frölunda won I was not on my own season. It was just a joy. But some hours later I realized that I went out the day before - and then I was back in the Depression ...
Joel now has three national championships, one more than his brother.
- But there is absolutely no contest. When things go well for him, I will be proud and happy, just as he will be when it goes well for me, says Joel while his brother nods affirmatively.
King of New York
We are sitting in the restaurant at the top of Frölundaborg.
Joel comes directly from today's second training session. After Sweating visible on his forehead, he goes and gets two glasses of water for hydration balance.
Henrik, with sunglasses hanging in skjortöppningen, brings a lunch tray to the interview table.
They are two 34 year olds who weigh words when they talk about the essence of existence. But there are also two twins who like jokes and laughs.
Like when I ask Joel if Henrik changed since they moved apart eleven years ago.
- Where should I start?
Henrik laughs and answers the question himself:
- I'm exactly the same, ha ha.
Joel becomes serious when he describes his brother, called King Henry of New York and getting around half a billion to guard the Rangers goal in seven years.
- For me Henke same, I see no difference in his personality. It's more that he is used to the bigger stage. That's the difference you see how he handles different situations, says Joel.
As he hang out with actor Edward Norton and hanging with Lasse Kronér?
Both brothers laughing.
- Yes, a little bit so ... haha. We live completely different lives. Only by living in New York, it will be a different life. Henke is used to those situations while another goes home and stresses ... It's not really the same approach, said Joel and glances at his laughing spirit brother.
- I do not believe that we have changed so much, neither you nor I, says Henrik. It's more about our living situation. We still have a regular bread Think of Appeals. Or plain and ordinary. As twins, we know each other very well. We talk a lot about something is inconvenient or so, pushes each other in that way.
Both brothers have moved recently.
Henrik and his wife Therese have brought the kids Charlise, 4, and Juli 1, from Central Park's southern outskirts, and gained further down apartment in Manhattan, the trendy Tribeca.
Joel, his wife Amanda and the kids Vilma, 8, Viktor, 5, and Ebba, 1, now lives on Hönö in the northern archipelago of Gothenburg.
- We had outgrown the apartment. When we bought it we had no children, now we have two. And it's time for the pre-school and other things, then we looked for were it would work best and then we chose Tribeca, says Henrik.
- We already have connection to Öckerö and chose to move out to the tranquility out on Hönö. We really enjoy being out there, by the sea, says Joel.
But is not it hard to ride the ferry in both directions every day?
- No, I think it's nice to have the ferry. I have time to clean up some emails, make calls. Sometimes I get that it's something I must do, then I do it on the ferry. You will not get anywhere, can not drive faster. It is pure relaxation.
Joel live on an island. Can you imagine that, Henry?
- I also live on an island, Manhattan.
Joel laughs and adds:
- Yes, we're both islanders.
Can you imagine moving to Hönö, Henry?
- Well, it's Joel's island. But it's really nice every time I come out and greet. I do not know where we will end eventually, but Hönö is perhaps too small for me, answers the keeper.
But Henry and his family have not only an apartment in Manhattan.
They also have a summer place in Onsala, south of Gothenburg, and an apartment in the town center.
- It's nice in Onsala, nice and quiet and not so many people. Such a contrast to what we are used to in New York. Far away from everyday life, that's when you feel you are on holiday, when you break all the routines you live in a period of nine months.
Yet you have left the apartment in the middle of Gothenburg.
- Yes, we can not really release it. We go back and forth ...
Joel would be willing to take the family and settle in Manhattan?
- That is a really great city. And I've obviously visited there. But I have trouble seeing a move there, it is such a contrast to what we have now. Then it's hard to say that one does not want to stay in New York, but I do not know how it would work for our family, he replies.
Henrik's move to New York and the Rangers in 2005 shattered not only the twins.
It also made the final of the joint celebration of major festivals such as Christmas and New Year.
- That's it, we never celebrate together because hockey going on then, says Henrik.
So is not it nice that you can celebrate Midsummer, when hockey is down?
- No. We do not celebrate the midsummer either. It has not been so. We got own traditions quite early and then have it kept in itself, explains Joel. We celebrate midsummer in different directions.
Celebrating the holidays is important for the majority of Swedish families. Lundqvist brothers have found their own way.
- Children's birthdays in the summers have become our anniversaries together. We meet the even some ordinary days, but the children's birthdays are special, says Henrik, whose oldest daughter Charlise soon have her fourth birthday.
A perusal of old interviews suggest that Henrik was not set up to have children as early as his brother.
Was it so?
- Yes. I was not as ready. It took longer for me to get there. It was a big step in life, because we waited a little longer.
- It is very much about timing, when you feel you are ready to take the leap. For it is a great challenge to have children. And Henrik and Therese alive after a completely different life too, filling in Joel.
The brothers agree that the children changed their lives completely.
- There is no point, for example, to come home and whine after a heavy loss. Sooner kneaded at things more. Now come home and then just changing a diaper or something. There is no point to think about something else, Joel with a smile.
- Things happen all the time who get a appreciate and be grateful for what you have, says Henrik. Things happen with family and friends, but also around the world. One gets lesson almost daily.
But also good laughs.
Like when Joel aficionado Viktor other day called his father.
- "Come now captain," he says Joel with a tanning. I thought he saw me as bänknötare ...
But he offered a tribute to Dad?
- Yes, a little bit so ...
Henrik turns to his brother and continues to talk about Viktor:
- When I was home's you and talked to him, he showed a picture of you and the trophy. "It's Dad, do you have any championships or what?" He asked, says Henrik while brothers and united in a loud laugh.
- It may be anything. Man lands quickly when you come home, says Joel.
Who is the greatest curling dad of yours?
- Joel, says Henrik quickly.
- Haha, not if you ask the kids, then I am strict farbror'n. I can hear from here now that I am wimpy. But you ask the kids, they find they might drop a few rules, says Joel.
The family, which also includes older sister Gabriella and her family in California, is central when talking to the brothers Lundqvist.
And they've got their bangs.
Joel's father Lennart Ottordahl - known football profile in Gothenburg after playing in including IFK Gothenburg and Öis and training, among others Frolunda, Gais and Öis - died after long illness in 2003.
And when Father Peter Lundqvist, along with mother Eva the great support while growing up, had a brain tumor in 2007 shook the entire family.
But they know too much for one of their closest friends, Magnus Kahnberg, who was forced to interrupt their career because of repeated concussions. He is not yet completely recovered.
- It's hard to put into, says Henrik and is silent for a moment before he continues:
- It is clear that it is very boring and tough to go through as hockey has meant so much for so long.
Joel, for many years the center next to Kahn Mountains in the so-called zipper, begins:
- Sure it's heavy shit need to stop with hockey. But number one is still to be so good that he can make these everyday stuff, get a normal life. Able to play hockey with the two boys. That his family feels that he can be a good father, and these pieces. It is clear that we suffer with him.
Both brothers Lundqvist visible in various charitable activities, often with a focus on supporting children who have not had it so easy in life.
Henrik and Therese have started their own organization, Henrik Lundqvist foundation.
- In New York, I was impressed with how much charity work there is at that level. At home we had visited some hospitals and such, but there lock it down a lot of time and effort and money to help others. All Rangers are in the Garden Dream Foundation, which I am spokesperson for. But I felt I wanted to start my own organization to increase the opportunities to do some more stuff, especially here at home in Sweden, says Henrik.
- I'm trying to help in the engagement and projects that the club is in, as Ronald McDonald House. You do sometimes does not do much for it to delight children and young people to get a boost in the right direction. I am happy when I can on my own, but I have not been involved in starting something as advanced as Henry made over there, Joel.
When, after this golden season was named fan favorite steered to the prize money of 10 000 to the foundation Bois. Why?
- I have been in contact with them through the years. It is a Gothenburg-based organization with many fun personalities. I made including a funny interview with them a year ago. They really footprint with a beautiful work, says Joel.
- It is important to do things that matter, continues Henry. Hockey is our life and it means a lot to us and many others. But there are other things in life too.
Life can also consist of surprises.
As Fredrik Sjostrom, toastmaster at Henrik and Therese wedding five years ago, is now sporting director of Frolunda.
Did any of you get it when he stood utbringade a toast to the bride and groom?
The brothers laughing in unison before Henry begins to respond:
- No, when he was player, mid-career. Fredrik has always been extremely accurate and he had very good discipline. When he got the role in Frölunda few years later it was known that it was in the direction he wanted to work.
- I was with a fun thing a few weeks ago, Joel continues. Fredrik and I was in Stockholm for an SHL thing. On the plane home, we met up with Glenn and sat and whirred for a moment. Stromberg said little about Fredrik pointed at me and said, "I'm his boss." We tanned course, but it is the distribution we have. Haha. It is just to accept ...
Can you be sporting director in Frölunda five years?
- Haha, you do not know. It's a tough, vulnerable jobs. But I hope I'm still playing in five years, says Joel.
Henrik in the Rangers then, in a role that Daniel Alfredsson in Ottawa?
- It depends on where you want to live, we will live after his career is not decided. Many old players taking such roles as Daniel. They stay in the team, releasing it completely. Some want the release completely. How to do I do not think I know until it's time. And I hope to play until I'm 40 years.
- When I was younger I thought about what I should do next, but the older I get, I want the focus on hockey that I have right now. I begin to ogle and take steps in that direction, it is easy to begin to gradually downsize. I still see that I am in the middle of it and want to increase the career.
And this year you did your best season.
- Right. It was great at every way. I do not want to start looking at anything yet. And when I stood on Götaplatsen I just felt that I want to go there again, Joel.
Henrik has just completed its eleventh season in the Rangers. Joel's twelfth-team season in Frölunda finished with gold.
Are you aware of your own importance for your clubs?
- The longer you are in one place, the more you feel for the organization and the more responsibility you are willing to take. And you are more comfortable with taking responsibility, for example, when new, young players coming into the team. Have you been in the club for eleven years is there a pride, says Henrik.
- It is difficult to assess their own importance, says Joel. I have been here a long time, are the captain. Many have been replaced under the road. To hold their own with everything you can. Some wonder well if I never stop, haha ... But it is clear that it is a recognition factor for the fans and to a certain extent sponsors.
Is it sometime embarrassing to Roger Rönnberg say you're Frölunda's most important leaders?
- He likes to drag on at times. But it is clear that I am proud because he likes to add anything, Joel before he smiles and joking about his coach:
- He may be trying to build me up sometimes by the media, haha. But internally, we are always on and pressing each other down. The jargon, we have ...
Joel toil with pre-season training to be prepared when SHL- and CHL Dents be defended.
For Henry, the latter NHL Premiere than usual because it will be the World Cup in the autumn.
- It's a tournament that I really look forward to, says star goalie.

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