Full Name: Bjorn, Henrik Lundqvist
Age: 30
Shoe size: 44
Length: 185
Weight: 86
Family: Wife & Child
Location: New York
Car: Maserati, Lamborghini, Audi S7
Mobile: Apple Iphone
Favorite holiday destination: Caribbean
Favorite dish: Hamburger
Favorite drink: Coke
Favorite Clothing Brand: Prada
Favorite Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Favorite movie: Gladiator
Have you purchased foundation Bois bag at ICA
Quantum Munkebäck sometime?
- No, but I go there I'll buy one!
Think it sounds like a great collaboration with
a good ICA retailer!
As an ambassador for Gothenburg & Sweden
should you get driving a Volvo in New York?
- Ha, ha! There has been no Volvo yet.
But you never know now that we have a little daughter,
when even want to have a safe and spacious car!
What gives you Joel for Christmas?
- We usually do not buy anything more to each other but
above all, I can not reveal it here in your
Know that you are sending to the foundation Bois Magazine
Frölunda Indians and then there's the risk that he
loading ...

Is it congestion in New
- Yes they have tolls, as soon as you
leaving or coming to Manhattan.
If you are able,
you will be set up at the World Cup in the spring?
- Absolutely! A World Cup on home turf attracts course
but will see how the situation is at the time.
Have you gotten rid of your dandruff yet?
- Ha, ha! Have never had any huge problems
dandruff shampoo as but using
preventive measure.
Guarding your dog so she does not get
in order to jump over the edge of your
- She can run free there. The high
edges, so she does not reach.
So far, she has not gotten the idea to jump ...
Laws to holes without anesthesia?
- Have not really had any major holes, so I have
escaped to cook.
Do you sleep in a tent bed with Joel, when you are in
- Ha, ha! No, I have my own apartment
in Gothenburg, so my brother will not have me
guest room!
What profession do you think you had, if
you were not professional hockey player?
- My whole life has been about sports, so I had
probably working on something in that area.
Who of you & Joel used diapers at?
- Huh? No idea, but we ended safely same
day, we always followed each other.
Have lunch box with you to work?
- Uh, no. We have a restaurant at the training center
where we eat, so I do not bring lunch box.
Have you ever been in really NHL fighting?
- I've been in some turmoil but never
thrown the gloves and fought.
Have you got the puck on any dick
- Oh yes, it happens look that closely! Once
beginning of my hockey career, so I trained without
jockstrap. It behaved no better than the trainer
shot me right on target! But in retrospect, so
it did no damage. 've Become the father of a
daughter ...
Who, besides someone in your family, would
you want to spend on a desert island?
- Wow, it was hard! But Fredrik Sjostrom in Frolunda is a happy guy, so him I had taken with.

Think it's important to laugh if you're stuck on
enVill you do not try something else
team in the NHL?
- No, I'm very happy in
New York and the club.
Can you give us a
- Yeah, listen, can hardly think of any right
Now ...
Is not it hard to sleep with all the noise in
New York?
- You get used to. We live high up in the house, so we
have it a bit easier but usually you hear sirens
from various emergency vehicles.
Here in Gothenburg is silent, so it is very
Will you move to Gothenburg and play
in Frölunda after your NHL career?
- I do not know. I leave all doors open
for the future. But it would of course be fun
to play with my brother igenHar you own brand or do you want
- Right now I sell fans stuff like T-shirts,
hats and more. They go under the name Crown
The money goes to charity.
Have you ever forgotten to take with you your
- Sometimes you forget to put on some protection
but I have always found it before I went ag has always found it before I went on
isen.Vilken the grisigaste
players you have met?
- There are a lot of such
types of players in the NHL. All teams have a
Such players. The worst is perhaps
David Clarkson of the New Jersey Devils.
What was it like to win Olympic gold?
- Great fun, a dream! I also got to take
gold along with those who have been my idols;
Forsberg, Sundin & Lidas!
Who is the best Swedish
hockey player in the Elite League at the moment?
- Has the best track of goalkeepers, so I say
Gustaf Wesslau.
Do you change the diaper on your daughter?
- Yeah, but. There are many diaper changes and wake
nights. In the past, I slept the hours I needed but
now it's less sleep!
Have had to start to bed on time instead ...
What is the longest trip you have in the NHL?
- It is when we go to Vancouver. It takes about
five and a half hours to fly there!
What annoys you the most?
- Spontaneous is the traffic jams that can stress me. Are
the part of the New York ...
Are you following basis Bois on Twitter or
- No, but maybe I should take and do, so I
have an eye on what you are doing!
Do you dare to lend and let Joel run your
- Joel has not been able to run it yet.
But he comes to New York so he goes
of course, do it!
Why do hockey players spit so much
in the booth?
- I do not know but it is well that they sweat
much and become dry in the mouth.
Were you goalie because you were too lazy?
- Ha, ha, no, I thought it was exciting
all protection goalkeepers had.
My idol was Pekka Lindmark!
Who shoots the hardest in the NHL?
- Zdeno Chara shoots the puck in 160 km. It is
probably the hardest of all, so when he charges for it
to be awake ...
Who paint your helmet?
- It's a Swedish guy named David
Gunnarsson. He has painted my helmet for years.
Prince Daniel was the first royal equality
who had been on a visit to Bois clubhouse.
Do you like King of New York met
Prince Daniel sometime?
- Oops, I should have an eye on. Have met
royal family, but do not remember if he was with
then ...
Do you have a avgjuten helmet so it fits
Just you?
- No. Nowadays, the helmets a decor
molds to the head.
What do you bench press?
- Oh, I do not run the bench press now. Sooner took jagFörr I took
well at most 125 kg.
Are you ever afraid of shots?
- Yes, it actually happens. Especially in the beginning of a
training before they had time to become hot.
You get a little gun-shy even if you got a shot
in an unprotected place but after a while you can
över.Vad's true love for you?
- Could be several things. That you love someone
incredible deal. To show respect for each other.
Friends and people you like, you are ready
to do more.
How did you meet your wife?
- We met here in town many years ago.
We have had and have a long and enjoyable journey
If you look at any Swedish TV programs in
- I do not watch that much. But so much better
I have watched dator'n.
Do you take snuff?
- Well, I may snuff sometimes ...
How do you celebrate Christmas in the U.S.?
- It's been different every year. We are trying to fix
Swedish Christmas food, so we feel at home.
Sometimes we celebrated with friends and sometimes with
our families.
Are you on your guard so no shark
Sea bites you in the butt in the U.S.?
- Ha, ha! Yes, in Hampton outside New York's
among other things, great white sharks in the sea!
So you have to be on guard ...
Can you surf on the surfboard?
- I have tried several times but I'm useless
on it!
Doing misconduct unless you use
right shampoo?
- Well, but I actually use the shampoo!
Do you have a boat?
- No, I have no boat. But I like to be on
ocean and ride with others.
I usually get the handle ropes ...
Can you imagine having a small foundation
Bois mark on your hockey mask?
- Wow, it's not just choose what you want to
mask. In the NHL, there are rules for what you may have
for brands.
Will take and check it out!
Who of you and Joel did
school best?
- We both took schoolwork seriously. In
school, like everything else, competed
we. I'm stuck because I went out
high school with better grades than
him ...

What do you think of Tommy Salo's gaffe
against Belarus?
- As a goalkeeper you know exactly how it feels, so I
part with him!
Long shots may seem simple but sometimes it can
be such that the longer and softer shot, the more
have time to think and it may be wrong. Often
it easier to save fast and hard shots, then
to react more with backbone!
Have you done some real goalkeeper board
- Oh, yeah! Each season will be a few tabs!
However, it is important that not too many.
It is important to immediately go on to show that you
can play well!
What time do you have on the 8-ball in Skatås?
- I used to run in the summer Skatås
but then it was mostly 5th gear. Nowadays, I usually
Summer training with a lot of tennis.
Tennis is good for coordination, reflexes,
kondisen and so it becomes a competitive element. Then
it's fun too!
What does your wife in New York?
- She has not been able to work when she has not had one
"Green card". She has worked with the charity.
But now she has been "green card", so now she can
jobba.inte had hockey?
- Well, but I think it's
relaxing and fun to play guitar,
especially with others!
How does it feel to be the statue?
- Has never actually thought about it
previously. But it's always fun with appreciation
for what you do.
I have always felt an incredible jacking from
Frölunda Indians organization and Frölunda
As for the statue, so we do not know if there will be
reality yet ...
What do you do after your hockey career?
- Hard to say. Do not know where we will stay.
Maybe I want to work with the media. I may well start
think about what I should do, I've quite a few
contacts. But I would agree all the doors open,
so far.
Have you tried to be without goalkeeper
helmet for fun sometime, as old
- No, and yes! I was an instructor at a
hockey school and put me in goal to show
how to act as a goalkeeper.
Then I got a puck in the face ...
What is the best thing was the twin with
- It was great fun when we grew up!
Me and Joel have always been best friends and
always inspired each other.
Where to buy clothes in Gothenburg?
- I have not shopped much but something has
it has become the NK and the Tiger store.
Who learned to go first, you or Joel?
- As with everything else, so we learned probably
to go at the same time!
What was the feeling when you played with
Rangers at the Scandinavium?
- It was a very special and emotional night!
This I will never forget!
What was your first car?
- It was a Pontiac Firebird. The disadvantage of the
was that it never had time to get warm in the winter,
so after half Gothenburg winter I changed ...
How did you find your dream apartment in New
- We looked at many apartments but now feels
it is that we found the right place!
What about dentists in the U.S.?
- They are good. You choose dentists depending on påberoende
what insurance you have.
The New York Rangers have our own dentist, who
look to us. It becomes a part of them to do, for
There are many dental injuries on the court players! I
I coped better with the mask.
What are you cooking time for the food to your wife?
- I'm really bad at cooking! My task äratt take counter ..
Which is the most beautiful goals you
released in?
- I always try to repress and go
Furthermore, how the goals went over backwards
What is the best
restaurant in Gothenburg?
- There are many, but Mr. P & Tvåkanten
Sjömagasinet is good!
What is a typical breakfast U.S.?
- A typical American breakfast can be eggs &
bacon, bagels, pancakes with syrup!
Can you crochet?
- Crochet?! We did that at school, I remember, but
how to do, I have completely forgotten.
Who would not want to get stuck in an elevator
- Well I have no list directly on the hard
people but there are many dangerous and
evil-minded people,
that would not be so fun
becoming stuck in an elevator with.
Will you pay fixed it
is a lockout in the NHL?
- No, we got our senasteNej, we got our last
salary in april.
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