Friday, March 5, 2010

ESPN The Magazine Interview


Dan Patrick enters the crease with Henrik Lundqvist.

DP: The Hives or ABBA?

HL: That's a tough one. The Hives.

DP: Are you embarrassed by ABBA?

HL: No, it's good music. They've done so much for Sweden. People still talk about them.

DP: What's the difference between Swedish meatballs and Italian meatballs?

HL: I guess the Swedish ones are smaller.

DP: So are you worried, as a man, that you have to say your meatballs are smaller?

HL: I'm not sure about Italian meatballs. I just know Swedish meatballs are delicious.

DP: Better-looking women in Sweden or the United States?

HL: I have to say Sweden.

DP: Yeah, can't blame you there.

DP: Darius Kasparaitis seems nuts.

HL: He's got a nice car, though. A Bentley.

DP: Wow. I've heard that when you start a Bentley, it sounds like a rocket ship.

HL: Yeah, it's got a V-12 or something.

DP: Goofiest thing you've thought about in goal?

HL: Things I'm going to do the next day, something I'm going to buy. Like a guitar.

DP: If you could play guitar like anyone ...

HL: I always liked Slash. He's a skilled guy.

DP: Guns N' Roses, huh?

HL: My big sister listened to them when I was, like, 10 years old. I thought they were cool.

DP: So ... your wardrobe. You dress like the Beatles did in the '60s: skinny ties and tight suits.

HL: And boots. People dress differently in Europe. It's not very common here in the States.

DP: Have you ever put your gold medal in a CD player to see if it plays?

HL: No.

DP: Are you a lover or a fighter?

HL: Probably a lover. I can fight, but I have to be really mad.

DP: What if a guy shows you up? Say Ovechkin scores on you and celebrates a little too much near the net.

HL: I would probably hit him with a stick on his calf. It's easy to hurt them there.

DP: What're your thoughts on fighting other goalies?

HL: Sometimes it's better to go at a big guy. I heard Ottawa goalie Ray Emery is a fighter, so ...

DP: So you stay away from him. But Theodore, Brodeur--you could take them?

HL: We'll see.

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